If you are like me and have to use Elementor for WordPress and have been working on a section which keeps looking incorrect when using …
Elementor for WordPress not showing correctly on responsive.

Experiences & Musings
Lessons learned from coding or server settings
If you are like me and have to use Elementor for WordPress and have been working on a section which keeps looking incorrect when using …
By default, Internet Information Services (IIS) does not support serving .webp files out of the box. However, you can enable support for .webp files in …
If you want to sort a Django object with custom attributes, you can utilize the sorted() function along with a custom key function. Below is …
WordPress on IIS with image issues caused by…you guessed it php_gd2.dll or is it php_gd.dll? I, like you and so many others run into technical …
Get the most out of ZeroSSL for FREE on your IIS Server!
Best way to block bots/humans from trying to hack into your WordPress running on IIS10 I am using a network monitoring tool called WordFence on …